Posted December 27, 2024Dec 27 Hello there, first post here, congratulations for the excellent work.So I’m running Apache 2.4.62 + suPHP 0.72 on my CWP Pro server and I would like to activate the module_socache_redis since I’m using Redis.However I haven't found any opinion if that would create any positive benefit or not.I tried this configuration as a starting point (based on the Gemini Advanced suggestion)LoadModule socache_redis_module modules/<IfModule socache_redis_module> RedisConnectionPool 10 keepalive 10000 300 RedisTimeout 1000</IfModule>Is that a good starting point?Looking forward to your thoughts.
December 29, 2024Dec 29 Author Thank you very much @Sandeep B. What do you mean with that?As I said, I already use a dedicated Redis server.My question is if the Apache socache_redis module will enhance performance benefits.
December 29, 2024Dec 29 Yes i understand, the best option is to use in your cms like wp, magento etc this will give you more benefits
December 30, 2024Dec 30 Author Thank you very much @Sandeep B. I already use the dedicated Redis plugin for every WP installation on my server.So in your opinion the Apache module will not do anything?
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