Everything posted by Ling
How to add DNSSEC Records in Bind/Named DNS server
Now I can confirm that your recipe still works after removing the line dnssec-lookaside auto; from it, as it is not supported any longer. The main problem was that this recipe only can be applied one single time. After rollback to virgin I tried it again without above line and bind can be started now.
How to add DNSSEC Records in Bind/Named DNS server
Now I can confirm that your recipe still works after removing the line dnssec-lookaside auto; from it, as it is not supported any longer. The main problem was that this recipe only can be applied one single time. After rollback to virgin I tried it again without above line and bind can be started now.
How to add DNSSEC Records in Bind/Named DNS server
This does not work on Almalinux 8 anymore as bind cannot be restarted after the modification. Also dnssec-lookaside auto; is obsolete nowadays and leads to a syntax error. Is there any solution for CWP as of today? We are getting a lot of DNS attacks here and DNSSEC would really help a lot. We have the PRO version so this request is rather basic and trivial.
Some CWP errors to remove: A small Thankyou
Corr: of course the temporary entries are temporary and not permanent, a copy paste error
2FA for CWP
Yes, I can confirm: Now it works again, finally. Hope it will survive the coming version updates. I have sent you some further small fixes as a thankyou, just some cosmetics, nothing essentiial.
Some CWP errors to remove: A small Thankyou
As a thank you to your efforts re 2FA: I tell you some flaws in CWP control panel, so you can remove it 1. In the dashboard 1.1 in the firewall manager 1.1.1. sub control panel for CSF In the blacklist configuration Press delete a permanent entry It says "Remove emporary entry" instead "Remove temporary enry" Actually it should say "Remove permanent entry" because those are permanent entries ----- In the whitelist configuration Press delete a permanent entry It says "Remove emporary entry" instead "Remove temporary enry" Actually it should say "Remove permanent entry" because those are permanent entries ----- In the temporary allow and deny Ip list configuration Press delete a temporary entry It says "Remove emporary entry" instead "Remove temporary enry" Actually it should say "Remove permanent entry" because those are permanent entries
2FA for CWP
It took me one week, so I just tell you this from the comparison of our knowledge levels....and yes I am too lazy to do this patch for every new version which comes out...
2FA for CWP
Lets see when it is ready. Last time they also have tested it, so it does not mean a lot, especially not that it works. Yeah I should be more positive....the steps here are too incremental. Another year may pass before we have a solution. Can't you write it by yourself then we have it tomorrow and it will work - for both panels.
2FA for CWP
I did so, but I doubt it will change anything. If you could not change their attitude, how could I ....
2FA for CWP
Even today, as 6 more versions have passed, still no working two factor authentication for both panels available. Apparently anything else is more important than security in CWP. This is a very sad story. Every AI program can write this nowadays, so really no rocket science. Even me, as a bloody beginner, could implement a working "solution" using code fragments from RCSchaff and others, more than 6 months ago. The fact that I had to do this, and YOU guys even hearing my comments for a long time are simply doing NOTHING, throws a bad light on the seriousness of the whole CWP team. As a paying user I feel quite left alone, and I seriously ask myself: what is the point in reporting any topics here if in the end really nothing happens, despite empty promises. In the end this is just a serious flaw of CWP with no remedy. And the tragic is: Not because it is difficult to solve (which I even could understand in general), only because of IGNORANCE.
2FA for CWP
Already two more versions of CWP have passed and the issue with the user panel non working 2fa still not resolved. Seems your devs are not listening to you anymore....
2FA for CWP
I think there should be an unified and modular solution for both panels, otherwise it always will a source of problems in the future. I have noticed that even ChatGPT can write the PHP code structure on demand, sure it could not integrate it because of missing background knowledge.
2FA for CWP
Dear Sandeep You are the brain behind CWP Control Panel. Can you enlighten us, by when CWP will get a fully functional working 2FA for both, the user panel and the Root Main Control Panel? Currently the once working (Version 1156 was the last one) 2FA of the user panel is broken (until today's 1163 version), and the Root Main Control Panel still has to rely on the outdated solution from RCSchaff, which is an inofficial 3rd Party and not officially supported anymore. I mean, nowadays for all existing control panels on the market, 2FA is state of the art. And having a 200 characters long password just for security reasons is not really advisable. CWP is overall very promising, but just in this outmost important security aspect totally falls short. On the other side, I think it is not really rocket science to create such a working 2FA for both panels, I believe you will write that within a couple of hours, I believe. Could I encourage you? BR Ling
CWP Apache enable TLS 1.3 - Control Web Panel
Now I understand the logic, I will give it a try. The other runs like a charm man, thank you so far.
CWP Apache Enable mod_brotli Brotli Compression - Control Web Panel
Now I understand the logic, I will give it a try. The other runs like a charm man, thank you so far.
CWP Apache enable TLS 1.3 - Control Web Panel
I mean brotli for Apache 2.4.57 with http2 and tls1.3 combined. This posts relates to an old apache rebuild.
CWP Apache enable TLS 1.3 - Control Web Panel
How to enable mod_brotli in this procedure