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  1. Ling posted a post in a topic in Other WEB Panels
    I am curious about this reply: we have several instances still runining on PHP 5.6 with old typo3 4.17. I think there is no way to upgrade this to Alma 9, what do you think.
  2. No, misunderstanding. I was simply talking about CWP2CWP migration between 2 servers for Almalinux 8 transfer to Almalinux 8. Before I could transfer user accounts seamlessly but now it just stopped.
  3. Right now I got stuck in the migration, seems I have to stay with the old provider. @Sandeep B. Apparently you are unable to provide/refine the current migration script I have provided to this forum. On the other hand, your approach to first install CWP on a “virgin” minimal Almalinux 8.10 installation already got stuck at the point where you have to install http2 and it conflicts with modsecurity. The respective other users who had this very same problem as well, you were unable to help as well. Yeah maybe it is the ssl version, maybe, who knows, hey…. So I even can not display the just same installation of CWP which I have currently on my old server and which is running flawlessly there, towards the new server. No wonder that the imported websites are not working then either. It seems CWP has become a can of worms, better don’t touch it anymore…. Apparently you are also not in a position to solve the current problems anymore, for whatever reason, finally it does not matter. May it be http2/modsecurity, may it be netdata installation, may it be direct account transfer CWP2CWP, really nothing works as it has been before. It seems CWP gets regularly updated, but really where? No changelogs either….. Up to now there is still no 2FA in the root panel, have to use my own patch since more than 2 years. I would say CWP is a dead project, can not be migrated to a new VPS, can even not be reinstalled from scratch, as it is apparently completely broken internally. The solution recipes you give, apparently don’t work, and there are no further replies from your side, if I mention it. I see no real interest to solve the current problems either. In this situation, I have to go back to my original approach to refine my server migration script for a one2one copy until it works on the new server: It is currently impossible to install CWP on a new server with apache http2 running and modsecurity OWASP2 working. I really don’t believe that I have to say this today. Sorry for my frustration. But when I think back 5 years ago, how smooth it worked to migrate from Cpanel to CWP and how easy all the installations were, and how easy I could migrate all my websites and emails from an even completely different controlpanel and server architecture/operating system at this time, and I compare it to today, there is only one word which describes it best: CHAOS A slow but steady evolution process, surely caused by numerous updates of surrounding software versions (which you are sure not responsible for) which makes the current system basically unusable if installation is repeated from scratch. Maybe you should shift your focus. Here are a lot of users, just stuck with this situation. I currently can NOT recommend any new user to use CWP in its current form! Either you address all current problems first and lead it back to its old strength (even if just running on EL8, thats fine with me) or you grade it down to an Experimental prototype. Thats what it is currently. MAKE CWP GREAT AGAIN………
  4. Hi Sandeep really tried your approach, rsyncing etc really breaks the system, and this is no wonder at all, considering the many hardware specifics residing in etc. What is your rsync syntax and exclusion list when you are doing this rsync of the described directories, maybe this can help further….. Sure, I can manually move the databases via mysqldump and the users according to the redhat script. Question is what to do first and when, really got lost here. Basically I think a correct Rsysnc with the correct paameters and the right right exclusion list, followed by an IP and hostname replacement process must be able to do all in one step. Is there any other problem, like ownership adjustment or immutable flags which I am overlooking here?
  5. I really look for an automated server migration script, alone the installation of all the software installed on the source server would take me days, function not guranteed. The current status is, that I tried that already, and the result is: CWP working, transferred websites not working fully, email not working. That can not be the solution There must be a working transfer script out there, no matter what you have on the source server, just using rsync and changing IP adress/hostname everywhere it is referred to. Am I the only one who has this problem?
  6. that is what I have right now, anyone may find something I overlooked…. At least it is rebootable, though database and cwp NOT working at all, nor websites. #!/bin/bash # This script runs on the target machine # Define the old and new IPv4 addresses OLD_IP="99.888.77.666" NEW_IP="55.444.33.222" # Define the old and new hostnames OLD_HOST="vmi123.dumbhost.net" NEW_HOST="vmi234.smarthost.net" SSH_PORT="1234" # Port used for SSH on both servers login with same public key certificate # Set variables for source and destination server SERVER1_IP=${OLD_IP} SERVER2_IP=${NEW_IP} SERVER1_HOSTNAME=${OLD_HOST} SERVER2_HOSTNAME=${NEW_HOST} # Directory to search in (set to / for entire system) SEARCH_DIR="/" # List of directories to search (excluding system files in /proc, /sys, /dev, /run, /tmp) SAFE_DIRECTORIES=( "/etc" "/var" "/home" "/opt" "/srv" "/usr" "/etc/csf" "/etc/amavisd" "/etc/systemd" "/etc/clamd.d" "/etc/cron.d" "/etc/cron.daily" "/etc/cron.hourly" "/etc/cron.weekly" "/etc/cron.monthly" "/etc/dnf" "/etc/dovecot" "/etc/fail2ban" "/etc/ImageMagick-6" "/etc/logrotate.d" "/etc/mail" "/etc/modpobe.d*" "/etc/monit.d" "/etc/netdata*" "/etc/opendkim" "/etc/opt" "/etc/pam.d" "/etc/pki" "/etc/postfix" "/etc/redis" "/etc/yum" "/etc/yum.conf" "/etc/yum.repos.d" ) # List of files in etc to transfer SAFE_ETC_FILES=( amavisd.conf clamd.conf cron.deny crontab freshclam.conf mailname motd named.conf opendkim.conf #group #group- #passwd #passwd- redis.conf redis-sentinel.conf ) # Function to check if file is readable and writable is_accessible_file() { local file="$1" if [ ! -r "$file" ] || [ ! -w "$file" ]; then return 1 # not readable or writable fi return 0 # file is accessible } # Function to replace IP and hostname in a file replace_in_file() { local file="$1" local old_value="$2" local new_value="$3" if grep -q "$old_value" "$file"; then sudo sed -i "s|$old_value|$new_value|g" "$file" echo "Replaced '$old_value' in: $file" fi } # Ensure ssh authentication works with no prompt (test connection) echo "Testing SSH connection to ${SERVER1_IP}..." if ! ssh -p ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP} "echo SSH connection successful"; then echo "SSH connection to ${SERVER1_IP} failed. Check your configuration." exit 1 fi systemctl stop mariadb || systemctl stop mysql # Step 2: Sync System Files with Full Attribute Preservation echo "Starting file sync from ${SERVER1_HOSTNAME} to ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME} with attribute preservation..." sleep 5 rsync -aHAXSzlpog --super --filter='-x security.selinux' --progress \ -e "ssh -p ${SSH_PORT}" \ --exclude='/root/.ssh/' \ --exclude='/etc/' \ --exclude='.trash/' \ --exclude='/dev/' \ --exclude='/boot/' \ --exclude='/lib/' \ --exclude='/mybackups/' \ --exclude='/mybackups_stage/' \ --exclude='/proc/' \ --exclude='/sys/' \ --exclude='/tmp/' \ --exclude='/mnt/' \ --exclude='/media/' \ --exclude='/lost+found' \ --exclude='/usr/lib/firmware/' \ --exclude='/usr/share/' \ --exclude='/swapfile' \ root@${SERVER1_IP}:/* / if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Rsync encountered errors during file transfer. Please check and retry." exit 1 fi echo "Completed file sync from ${SERVER1_HOSTNAME} to ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME} with no errors." echo "Copying root batch files, Firewall Rules, important etc dirs and motd from ${SERVER1_HOSTNAME} to ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}..." sleep 5 for etcfile in "${SAFE_ETC_FILES[@]}"; do sudo scp -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/$etcfile /etc done sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/csf /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/amavisd /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/systemd /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/clamd.d /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/cron.d /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/cron.daily /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/cron.hourly /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/cron.weekly /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/cron.monthly /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/dnf /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/dovecot /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/fail2ban /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/ImageMagick-6 /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/logrotate.d /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/mail /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/modpobe.d /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/monit.d /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/netdata /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/opendkim /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/opt /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/pam.d /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/pki /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/postfix /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/redis /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/yum /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/yum.conf /etc sudo scp -r -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:/etc/yum.repos.d /etc if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "scp encountered errors during file transfer. Please check and retry." exit 1 fi echo "File transfer from ${SERVER1_HOSTNAME} to ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME} completed with no errors." # Step 4: Update Hostname and IP References in System Files echo "Updating hostname and IP references on ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}..." sleep 5 # Update /etc/hosts sed -i "s/${SERVER1_IP}/${SERVER2_IP}/g" /etc/hosts sed -i "s/${SERVER1_HOSTNAME}/${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}/g" /etc/hosts # Update /etc/hostname hostnamectl set-hostname ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME} echo "${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}" > /etc/hostname # Replace old hostname and IP in key configuration directories find /etc -type f -exec sed -i "s/${SERVER1_IP}/${SERVER2_IP}/g" {} \; find /etc -type f -exec sed -i "s/${SERVER1_HOSTNAME}/${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}/g" {} \; echo "Updating hostname and IP references with no errors." service mariadb enable service cwpsrv enable service mariadb start || service mysql start sleep 5 # Step 1: Migrate Databases with IP and Hostname Replacement echo "Installing current MariaDB for upgrade ..." echo "Dumping databases on ${SERVER1_HOSTNAME} and updating IP and hostname references..." DB_DUMP="/tmp/db_backup.sql" ssh -p ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP} "mysqldump --all-databases > ${DB_DUMP}" scp -P ${SSH_PORT} root@${SERVER1_IP}:${DB_DUMP} ${DB_DUMP} # Replace old IP and hostname references in the dump file sed -i "s/${SERVER1_IP}/${SERVER2_IP}/g" ${DB_DUMP} sed -i "s/${SERVER1_HOSTNAME}/${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}/g" ${DB_DUMP} # Import the modified dump into the new server echo "Importing updated database dump into ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME}..." mysql < ${DB_DUMP} rm -f ${DB_DUMP} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Data base import unsuccessful. Please check and retry." exit 1 fi echo "Imported updated database successfully." yum -y upgrade # Step 5: Starting IP and hostname replacement echo "Starting IP and hostname replacement process..." sleep 5 # Loop through each directory in SAFE_DIRECTORIES for dir in "${SAFE_DIRECTORIES[@]}"; do echo "Searching in directory: $dir" # Find files in the current directory (excluding system files) find "$dir" -type f \ ! -path "/proc/*" ! -path "/sys/*" ! -path "/dev/*" ! -path "/run/*" ! -path "/tmp/*" ! -name "servermigrate.sh"\ ! -name "*.log" ! -name "*.gz" ! -name "*.bak" ! -name "*.swp" ! -name "*.tar" ! -name "new_ip_change.sh"\ ! -name "*.iso" | while read -r file; do # Check if the file is accessible (readable and writable) is_accessible_file "$file" || continue # Replace IP address replace_in_file "$file" "$OLD_IP" "$NEW_IP" # Replace hostname replace_in_file "$file" "$OLD_HOST" "$NEW_HOST" done done echo "IP address and hostname replacement completed for all files." sleep 5 yum -y upgrade # Step 6: Final Verification echo "Migration completed. Verify all services and configurations on ${SERVER2_HOSTNAME} (${SERVER2_IP})." sleep 10 echo "rebooting in 60 s, Press CTRL-Z to stop." sleep 10 echo "rebooting in 50 s, Press CTRL-Z to stop." sleep 10 echo "rebooting in 40 s, Press CTRL-Z to stop." sleep 10 echo "rebooting in 30 s, Press CTRL-Z to stop." sleep 10 echo "rebooting in 20 s, Press CTRL-Z to stop." sleep 10 echo "rebooting in 10 s, Press CTRL-Z to stop." sleep 10 reboot
  7. also if you just rsync etc your system wont boot anymore, as target server has different hardware for sure. Think it needs a more granular response.
  8. Thanks Sandeep Seems you forgot CWP itself in this approach, as well as other installed software. Can you advise a script doing all this and running out of the box. Already did something similar but always got stuck up to now. Th farthest I got was CWP running by manual install and websites running partially but not all links working. But I really need a one to one copy by rsync, yet take care of the different IP and hostnames, and hardware specifics (shouldnt rsync /boot….). Thought it was less difficult, but no one a solution? Seems I am the first one to migrate a CWP server? No working script out there?
  9. Hi guys out there. Hi Sandeep. Is there any viable migration script out there for server migration? CWP Server1 IPV41 hostname1 websites emails accounts all running flawlessly CWP Server 2 IPV42 hostname2 Almalinux 8.10 minimal, SSH running on same port, both SSH certificate based login, OS installed, no CWP installed, no software installed. sh servermigrate.sh copies all software, databases, CWP, websites in one flash reboots and afterwards everything is running (after DNS A records change of course) IS THIS A DREAM? Someone out there must have done this already. Currently I am held hostage by a fraudulent provider and can not migrate, because my programming skills are too limited. Even ChatGPT is too stupid for this to help me. The servers both run the same operating system, though have different hardware, harrddisk2 is bigger. Thinking of rsync and scp…..
  10. Nothing happens, still caught in an endless loop, always keeps asking to install again.
  11. Unfortunately the situation remains unchanged, even if installed on both servers with firewalls turned off.
  12. Ok then, I ll give it a try
  13. The supposed installation process in CWP does not start by itself anymore. The only option left is to manually install it from SSH using the kickstart.sh, requiring a lot of afterworks, especially for password protecttion I think the idea was to provide a seamlessly integrated netdata with password protecton out of the box.....accessible from the controlpanel as well as from outside.
  14. Seems not for everyone, as you see below. the New Bera Restore actually helped me a lot up to now. But a lot of things still have to be done manually after, such as php settings, mariadb upgrade and virtually all additionaly installled stuff. Server migration should look more easy IMHO. But as it looks like the CWP2CWP is mainly looking after the user as well not too much care taken for the system AFAIK
  15. el7 Thats for Almalinux 7 I am on Almalinux 8. BTW if you know the problem already, you should post an CWP update, so we all can get it right.