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  1. Mah1973 replied to torettos's post in a topic in Other WEB Panels
    Yes , if you are talking about the paid support then you are totally right. I thought you are referring to the regular pro version.
  2. Mah1973 replied to torettos's post in a topic in Other WEB Panels
    Stick with CWP—it's the best among them. Is the support bad? Yes, that's true. But really, what do you expect at that price point? if you have troubles learn how to fix them. I'm running all my servers with CWP and I still recommend them to every one.
  3. It worked !! , thanks. The guys behind the cwp documentation site should be fired !!. I wasted too much time on this silly thing. Is it really that hard to edit this sentence in edit package page ? "- Use -1 for Unlimited resources " just a simple edit will save us lots of time and efforts. Thanks for your help once again.
  4. I tried the account new hook and it's working but this unsuspend hook is not working!. Viva CWP!
  5. I'm trying to write a hook to fix this using the info on the documentation site here https://wiki.centos-webpanel.com/action-hooks But I'm not getting anywhere! .. I created the php file as instructed in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/hooks/account/account_unsuspend.php and I added this to it : <?php function account_unsuspend($array) { // Extracting data from the array $username = $array['username']; $status = $array['status']; // Log the unsuspension event $logfile = '/var/log/cwp_account_unsuspend.log'; $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); file_put_contents($logfile, "$timestamp - User $username was unsuspended. Status: $status\n", FILE_APPEND); // Set unlimited quotas for the unsuspended user $command = "setquota -u $username 0 0 0 0 /"; exec($command); // Send email notification $subject = "User Unsuspension"; $message = "User $username has been unsuspended."; mail("myemail@gmail.com", $subject, $message); } ?> but when I unsuspend the user nothing happens and the log is empty. The documentation site is not clear enough on this or maybe outdated?
  6. We are advertising the packages as unlimited so when the user login to his account he will start complaining about not being on unlimited package as advertised. So unlimited packages not supported by CWP ?
  7. @Sandeep B. Yes , all -1 on the unlimited package. Sent you the root login on the pm of cwp forums as I'm not allowed to send any pm here. https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3421 Please check
  8. Did you test it on unlimited resources package ? I tried it on a brand new vps with fresh alma 8 and freshly installed cwp.
  9. @Sandeep B. Can you please confirm if it's a bug in cwp or I'm doing something wrong ?
  10. I tested this on a brand new vps with raw alma 8 and a freshly installed cwp. Same problem.
  11. Mah1973 replied to leisegang's post in a topic in CWP - Control WEB Panel
    this module only works with /112 so you will need to modify the file nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to subnet your network to a /112 prefix You will need to add something like : IPV6ADDR=2a01:4f8:c17:1b52::1/112 // only an example then do sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager then ip addr show eth0 to see the changes this is translated copy in English https://uploadnow.io/f/YZBDtNM I didn't test the module on live servers yet.
  12. Thanks I can send you the root for one of our servers to test this. But I think I found the issue. When the package is unlimited resources the unsuspend function doesn't work properly. I have to edit the quota manually [root@vps ~]# repquota -a -s *** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sda1 Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days Space limits File limits User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace ---------------------------------------------------------------------- unlimi ++ 40K 1K 1K 6days 11 1 1 6days and when the package has limited resources the suspend function works just fine. The problem is we do have 2 packages types for our clients ( limited and unlimited ). How to keep both types and fix this issue ???
  13. Unfortunately , I followed the steps and it didn't work for me. If you have more tips I will appreciated.
  14. Can this be fixed ?
  15. this /dev/sda1 / ext4 srjquota=quota.user,jqfmt=vfsv0 0 0 made the system unbootable and I had to rescue to revert the fstab changes and get the server back online. I also tried this /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,usrjquota=quota.user,jqfmt=vfsv0 1 1 the system boot correctly but the unsuspend problem didn't go away! now , I'm running the old options as is. I guess it's a bug in CWP.