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  1. I need to Upgrade MariaDB to 10.6.20 How is that without any errors or server downtime?
  2. Hello, I have a problem when converting from Apache Only to Nginx Only. All sites stopped working and I faced the error: 404 Not Found nginx/1.14.1 Although I rebuilt Apache, it did not work. How can I fix the error?
  3. Nice bro thanks you Problem solved
  4. Dns is OK now Are the settings correct now? Do you just wait a while
  5. Same problems DNS Down
  6. Service DNS down in my server after this steps
  7. Thanks you bro , DNS has been restarted, I will wait for some time and re-apply the command in the shell
  8. Done, do I have to wait a while?
  9. I'm having a problem installing SSL Wildcard on my server Look at the two attached pictures. Is there an error in adding dns? Is there any note to solve the problem?