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Everything posted by SeaScoot

  1. You could try using phpMyAdmin by editing the config file at /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/pma/config.inc.php to specify an upload directory: /** * Directories for saving/loading files from server */ $cfg['UploadDir'] = ''; $cfg['SaveDir'] = ''; If you move your file there you should be able to select it from the phpMyAdmin panel when doing an import. Just make sure you have the appropriate file ownerships for the phpMyAdmin user and that you are importing into the correct user account database. Note: the config file changes could get overwritten on updates.
  2. Have you tried going to PHP Selector or PHP-FPM Selector and using "manage options" Action to add pgsql PostgreSQL driver for PHP for your version of PHP? It is normally not active for default compilations.
  3. I've been using Certbot with the Cloudflare DNS option for the hostname certs and a different cert storage location than the template. It gets overwritten on hostname rebuilds or potentially some updates, so it would be nice to have a custom template.
  4. I would like to customize the hostname.conf and hostname-ssl.conf template files for HTTPD. However, it appears that these are assigned by default by CWP for the hostname, but there is no way to change these assignments to custom templates from the admin panel interface as far as I can tell. It is only possible to change templates as a general default in WebServers Main Conf (where custom templates are not displayed as an option), or under WebServers Domain Conf (where only hosted domain configurations are available). I would like to use custom templates if possible rather than editing hostname.conf and hostname-ssl.conf from WebServers Conf Editor to avoid overwrites during updates. Is there an option I'm missing to do that? Thanks!
  5. Can you post tips on what you needed to do to make it work?
  6. I've been toying with the idea of doing a fresh install of CWP on a fresh install of Almalinux 8. Due to the built-in Elevate support in Alma, there is a good chance that when CWP for EL9 eventually arrives Alma could be updated in-place via Elevate, followed by an update to the EL9 compatible CWP version. Of course, that could be all just a dream.😏
  7. Further googling led me to the culprit! Something (probably Drupal) had added a .user.ini file into public_html with the following directives: memory_limit=128M upload_max_filesize=12M post_max_size=12M max_execution_time=30 display_errors=On date.timezone=Europe/London error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT session.save_path="/tmp" magic_quotes_gpc=Off zend_extension=php_opcache.so ;Determines if Zend OPCache in enabled opcache.enable=1 opcache.memory_consumption=128 opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8 opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000 opcache.revalidate_freq=60 opcache.fast_shutdown=1 On changing the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size, it solved my issue. Apparently fastCGI cannot read php settings from a .htaccess file, but will from a .user.ini file. Hope this helps others with the same issue.
  8. Thanks for the offer to check the server. I did find this on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33907600/php-upload-max-filesize-not-obeyed Do you think this could be the issue? I'm not sure how to go about the "configure php-fpm properly (better)"
  9. No luck. After running the scripts, restarting Apache, Varnish & NginX, running sh /scripts/restart_cwpsrv, the upload_max_filesize did change on master (phpinfo) from 55 to 64M, but local stayed at 12M. Post_max_size also stayed at 12M on local (phpinfo). I had already manually changed /opt/alt/php-fpm74/usr/php/php.ini, /opt/alt/php-fpm82/usr/php/php.ini, /usr/local/php/php.ini in any case. There is something somewhere setting this 12M value, but I'll be darned if I can find it! Thanks for the input.
  10. Hi Sandeep, I've been having trouble trying to find the source of an upload limit setting of 12M on a CWP server: Apache version: Apache/2.4.56 PHP version: 8.2.0 Forced PHP-FPM: 8.2 MySQL version: 10.4.30-MariaDB FTP version: 1.0.49 SSH Port: **** MySql Port: **** Web Servers: nginx-varnish-apache The local post_max_size finishes up being 12M and is limiting the size of files I can upload in a Drupal site. I have followed and reviewed all of the .ini files that are reported parsed. I followed your tutorial above, changing the values to 64M. I also went down the directory chain to the public_html directory from which the phpinfo file is served looking for any .htaccess files that may have a setting there. None of these attempts were successful. Do you have any suggestions for where I might find the source of that 12M setting? Thanks!