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CWP - Control WEB Panel

Exclusively For CWP panel including tutorial and free troubleshoot.

  1. In this tutorial we’ll learn how to install magento 2.4.x in CWP control panel. At the time of writing this tutorial CWP 7 (centos 7) have older version of MySQL server i.e. MariaDB 10.2 which is not supported by Magento 2.4.x. With recent CWP installation MariaDB 10.4 IS ALREADY THERE. CWP on centos 8 is fully supported by magento since it have Mariadb 10.4. Without wasting time lets get started. Centos 7 Only :- if you’re using Centos 8 CWP proceed with steps from Elastic search installation below. Remove Mariadb 10.1 or10.2 and update Mariadb 10.4: systemctl stop mariadb mysql mysqld Now edit/create the file run the commands one by one : …

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  2. These functions allow you to access Oracle Database. They support SQL and PL/SQL statements. Basic features include transaction control, binding of PHP variables to Oracle placeholders, and support for large object (LOB) types and collections. Oracle’s scalability features such as Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) and result caching are also supported. For el8/Centos 8/stream/Rocky/Almalinux : First download the required Oracle instantclient packages : cd /usr/local/src wget https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/215000/oracle-instantclient-basic- wget https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/…

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  3. This tutorial is Created on user’s request, today we’ll fix CWP GUI access, like when your server failed to update CWP or you’ve too strict firewall and its blocking the CWP update server and you’re getting white blank page with expired message in log or even 500 Internal server error for CWP-admin and CWP-user. This is easy to fix from now just follow the below steps one by one. For Centos7/Centos 8 stream/AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/OracleLinux/EL7/EL8 CWP-Admin : chattr -i -R /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/ cd /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs wget static.cdn-cwp.com/files/cwp/el7/cwp-el7- unzip -o -q cwp-el7- rm -f cwp-el7- For…

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